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Other pulse stuff

Dried French Beans
tibits’ Dried Bean Salad with Walnuts and Coriander is without a doubt our most iconic bestseller. Many of you have asked us not only for the recipe but also enquired about where you can buy those delicious beans and how you should prepare them at home. We recently introduced tibits’ first recipe card, which can be picked up in our restaurant. Recipe no2 is no other than the Dried Bean Salad and, furthermore, you can now purchase the dried beans at tibits in handy 100g bags, serving four people for just £3.
There are two types of Faba bean grown – Winter and Spring. Spring Beans are used for the export market and are normally sown in February and harvested in September. The most popular variety is Fuego which has a large seed and a pale, smooth skin making it ideally suited to the various market demands. Winter Beans are used for export as a split product as they are larger and flatter in size.

the British Edible Pulses Association
BEPA was formed in 1975 to succeed the Pea Pickers and Pea Packers Association.
The purpose of the association is to support the interests of its Members by:
Liaising with UK Government and other national and international associations.
Encouraging the consumption of home-produced pulses by promoting their value as healthy, high protein and high fibre foods.
Adding to the diversity of UK-produced pulse crops by liaising with crop scientists and plant breeders.
Providing a forum where members can exchange views, agree policy and develop their businesses through discussions on a variety of topics.
None of the pulses sold in my local health-food shop are UK-grown. I am looking to buy UK-grown organic, dried pulses for cooking (instead of chickpeas etc).
Do you know of retailers currently selling them? And also wholesalers that I could encourage my local shops to use?
my EMAIL FAILED & website search for ‘organic’ failed

Askew & Barrett
Specialist Cleaners of Pulses for Human Consumption markets both at Home and Abroad. Buyers and Contractors of Marrowfat peas, Large and Small blue peas, Yellow peas and Beans. Contract Cleaning and Grading of all Pulses. Decorticating and Splitting of Peas and Beans. 
Don't do organic. Says try supermarket(!)

Whitworths sell UK peas but not organic